Another year another convocation......
So my school takes part in these convocations in which you show up they teach you about some specialty you are to expert in, remind you that soon enough your going to die, and then you do some activity where you work together with students from other schools.
This year my expertise was:

yup you guessed it, water.
Basically a guy named Joe told us that by 2015 we are supposed to have some major water shortage and that we will have to start shipping our water out to other countries as predicted by the map below.

if you cannot see this and feel that you should click here
Well then, I guess this further improves my theory of moving to canada when i grow up.

what is there not to love about this place! (though i doubt it looks like this)
I originally was going to move to Pennsylvania, but with the economy and all Canada is cool too. Though I am not to sure if I believe a guy who told me that if I needed to I could drink my own pee if it was filtered. By reinforcing the whole were all going to die we were also told that if we pee not to flush our toilets, hence if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down, but I really am not going to do that considering I am not a fan of being grounded by my mother. Joe brought out my inner hipster, which was actually kind of fun (: so thanks Joe.
The most fun of the whole convocation is the bus ride home, though. I mean that is where the real action is, right? I know i had fun on the school bus, one of my friends got the nook and was showing me this book that she was interested in. It was some fantasy thing, it really wasn't my usual style, I usually am a sucker for real life scenario, but it was okay I guess. It was about some bomb that went off in a town that gave people special powers. I didn't get it at all but all I said was, "Oh yeah this is really cool," and smiled. Maybe she won't bring it up again.
By now I am pretty sure that you have heard of Ted Williams, but if you haven't check out the video below:
I was really shocked, surprised, inspired?, flabbergasted that he had a voice like that, to be honest if i saw him on the highway i probably would have run away from him. Actually I still would now considering that he was in questioning due to a hotel fight with his daughter and his past history of drugs in alcohol.
A now quite scared,
P.S. thank you to those who actually read all of this (: you win a free internet hug ( a five cent value!)
127 hours..I think the guy drank his pee..yeah, he had a disgusted look on his face as I recall. Very interesting post. I have mixed feelings about Ted. I thought he could have been the president's father. Speaking of which I have to admit the President's speech ..tonight..was truly amazing.
This was such an interesting post. Things I don't think about often, but yes..I do know to be wise with water.
I hope that guy with the golden voice gets on the right road.
I lot to think about. Cool post.
I'm glad you brought this up. Thanks for the note, too.
Very important to know. Scary, actually.
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