I miss those days...
Trying to remain positive, I have resolved my friendship troubles. I finally came to realize that I had been right, that sometimes Gabby did take advantage, Carolina is being nicer to me though, so I guess things are alot better. Plus, I have one really good friend, Kellen. I don't know if she considers us close or not, but she has been one of the best-friends I have had. I have been terrible to her, yet, she has been with me through just about everything. She is an amazing friend, but shhhhhhhh.....don't tell her.
(for some reason i felt compelled to put this song as it is the only thing I have been listening to)
Aside from my mellow-dramatic life next week is the most hated , strongly disliked week of all. Midterms. I have to learn over 50 vocabulary works and 2 chapters of spanish, by tuesday. I know that actually isn't that much to what I have to know by wednesday, thursday, and friday. But it is just the whole thought that one test is a whole marking period grade. Pressure and i do not cope very well together. But, I think I can (hopefully) get through this.
I guess that wraps up this week. Other than this I have been given an extension of until next friday for my pinata. (yay for me) I probably should just finish it this weekend so that i don't have to worry about that during midterms, well see how that goes.
I'm off to take a shower and go to play practice, in featured chorus on cinderella, or as the poster in my school says, Cindereli the misspelling took away from the fancy font, didn't it?
Happy Saturday,
P.S. is it wrong to have something for the lead singer who sort of creeps me out at the same time?
Oh..its always mind boggling. Good luck on the art project to get done. And all the best on studying.
Its amazing how one person can turn you off one day and turn you on ..the next. I dunno what it is.
As for friends, I think its an on going lesson in what makes a friendship. Sometimes, just being there..makes all the difference.
Love that song. Oh, stay strong. All the best with the practice and mid-terms!
I think you are being very mature about these friendships. Hang in there.
What cool font. how did you do that? I hope practice went OK. Its hard to figure out friends.
Oh, I started a cross over fan fic of Life Unexpected and Mtv's Skins. One got cancelled. The other just got started (2 tv shows). Anyway, its kind of the same premise of a friend of mine who ended up with a girl and one room to share..something like that.
I loved that last part. It can all be mind boggling.
Hey, thanks so much for the tip. duh..me..
I hope your weekend went OK. Don't stress too much over the friend situation. Just don't let them get the best of you. Be you. All the best on your studies.
Hope the weekend was productive. Have a good week. Hope things go smoothly with class and your friends.
Aw I miss those days too.
P.S. Love the font on your blog!
Very cool font! Perfect for the blog.
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