Patrick the only starfish i know who eats pie (:
Guess who just found out they are failing gym..................(I'll give you a hint, it isn't you)
Apparently I am talking too much in gym and not playing enough. Even though I am one of the only people who actually play gym in my grade. A lot of the girls who "play gym" really go sit on the bleachers the whole gym class and talk, but are they failing, of course not.
Along from that my obsession over Pretty Little Liars has started to fade away. The books =♥, however the tv series=? As in why is this different from the book? But i still love it Lucy Hale is pretty killer. Oh no i bored you again........................................
Anyways the reason for all of this talk is because of a song i heard that i really like off of there. I usually don't like orchestra type of stuff, but this is pretty good.
Tell me what you think
Oh did I ever mention my results of the play. Turns out i got into the featured chorus. I know, what your thinking, "oh but natalie you really wanted the stepsister role, how could they let you down ):" (that is not at all what I was thinking). Turns out that I am not old enough to play that role. To be honest I really do not care because the girl who got the role is a great singer and will do pretty good in the songs she has to sing. Instead I am in something called the "featured chorus" which is just another fancy way of saying a small group that sings on the side of the stage. My friends are in that so I am pretty darn happy about that (: Well i guess i should probably go now I have a killer science test tomorrow along with social studies and a reading quiz. I swear these teachers love to torture me.

Off to pull an all nighter (well fall asleep in bed at 10:00),
Hope you had a good week...and a fun weekend too.
This was a cool that you are OK with featured chorus. Keep working hard. I'm sure it'll pay off.
Thanks for the sweet note..it means a lot to me. Thank you for reading. Oh, I can't wait for Pretty Little Liars! Hope you have a good week at school.
Hope the test went OK. All the best with the production.
Did you watch pretty little Liars last night? I'm glad Tobey's back. Just wish he was on the show more. I'm still not sure I like the "teacher" all that much. But I don't think Noel is A.
Hope you are having a good week. Snow. Uber-cold here. Shivers.
Hey, like the new look. Yeah, for Pretty Little Liars!!!
Thanks about the new look, I came across the picture on flickr. I am really excited for Toby's return again too. I started cracking up today because one of my friends think Toby is really hot and Ezra is hideous, so she was happy too (:
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