Take that, stupid midterms.
I know what your thinking......
- (Natalie those energy drinks are really bad for you)
- (Natalie someone died from drinking those)
- (Natalie those have a warning label on them! I would not drink those!)
- (Natalie, I really don't care) <---well then, grumpy.
My schedule is pretty decent this year:
- Monday-no midterms
- Tuesday- Spanish and Vocab
- Wednesday- Science and Reading
- Social Studies and Music
- Gym and Math

But other than that I have had an excellent monday. We reviewed for our midterms tomorrow, in other words, there was no actual school work to be done for miles. Though the funniest thing today was during social studies. Someone had drawn a man's "junk" on the board and a girl in our class had said, "Excuse me, my eyes are burning there is something in appropriate on the board." Our social studies teacher's face was priceless, but even more priceless was this girl in our class

let's give her a break she went to a private christian school.
Hopefully by some miracle it will snow here tonight. I mean it's so cold that we put thing in our fridges to heat them up. If that is not cold enough than i don't know what is. If we do get snow tonight I will be the happiest girl alive.

snow: fun to look at, but too cold to enjoy.
Now that I think about it. What was so much fun about playing in the snow when I was younger? I always came home with a frozen butt.
Happy frosting!
hahahahaa..that made me laugh about what was on the board. A frozen butt? What were you doing??hehehee..I thought that was harvest..instead of hardest..I was thinking..are there vampires there too????
Oh, you made me laugh so much in this post. I hope you survive this week.
What a day. I love that list you wrote Nat. Oh, I hope you have a good Tuesday. Hope you get to watch Pretty Little Liars tonight too.
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