Monday, January 31, 2011

Excuse Me Young Lady Did You See A Taxi Down That Block?

"No I'm sorry sir i didn't,"
"Holy C***p"

Oh America, a place where even the old timers know how to stay with it.
For the last week you could basically say I have been a sober blogger, not that blogging is bad, but in the sense that I have been studying instead of blogging, which in the end didn't help me anymore Here are the final results of my midterm experience:
  • Algebra- ? we took that today
  • Reading- ? not graded yet
  • English- 94
  • Gym- ? Wait a minute! We get a grade?
  • Science- 76
  • Music- 92
  • Social Studies- ? Not graded yet, who knows when it will be? He still hasn't given us back a test we took last month
  • Spanish- 72
The only upside is that we had a snow day allowing me the whole weekend to study for algebra, which still proved to be a bust. But you know what I am not going to let that get me down because this barking period is a time for new chances, right? (right natalie!) Oh thank you reassurance.
I am really going to try my best this marking period, I mean everyone says that but I actually mean this. It's just hard in a way because I have an extremely hard concentrating on things, not that i have like A.D.D or anything, though I might :), I just like to devote my time to things I care about the most. I like to call it complete laziness living with passion.

(Sorry If I Just Blew Your Ear Drums)

Stupid blogger forced me to amazing blogger gave me the pleasure to upload this as a video so i uploaded the picture I took from Avril Lavigne's new video "What The Hell." To be honest I was really disappointed with the video. I felt that it was just stupid, I mean I get it what the hell (maybe I am just too demanding), anywho if you want to see Avril Lavigne disrespect her boyfriend click here. Though a cool thing is her mom made her first on camera appearance as the lady Avril greets in the vintage shop.

But a video I can not get over is this one right here.

I love Bon Qui Qui (: she always makes me laugh. I will definitely comment on your posts as soon as I can, but for now I have to go, I have to finish my Spanish project.

Thanks For Listening To My Rant,

~(A Very Grateful) Natalie

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Can Of Monster And A Box Of Teddy Grams........

Take that, stupid midterms.
I know what your thinking......
  • (Natalie those energy drinks are really bad for you)
  • (Natalie someone died from drinking those)
  • (Natalie those have a warning label on them! I would not drink those!)
  • (Natalie, I really don't care) <---well then, grumpy.
But have no fear, I usually don't drink these anyways, it is just to help me stay awake for the next week (:
My schedule is pretty decent this year:
  1. Monday-no midterms
  2. Tuesday- Spanish and Vocab
  3. Wednesday- Science and Reading
  4. Social Studies and Music
  5. Gym and Math
The hardest day is definitely going to be Wednesday. Those are both two major tests I should have to pass. And to just help me so much our wonderful play director arranged for us to have a mandatory play practice on Tuesday.

But other than that I have had an excellent monday. We reviewed for our midterms tomorrow, in other words, there was no actual school work to be done for miles. Though the funniest thing today was during social studies. Someone had drawn a man's "junk" on the board and a girl in our class had said, "Excuse me, my eyes are burning there is something in appropriate on the board." Our social studies teacher's face was priceless, but even more priceless was this girl in our class
let's give her a break she went to a private christian school.

Hopefully by some miracle it will snow here tonight. I mean it's so cold that we put thing in our fridges to heat them up. If that is not cold enough than i don't know what is. If we do get snow tonight I will be the happiest girl alive.

snow: fun to look at, but too cold to enjoy.

Now that I think about it. What was so much fun about playing in the snow when I was younger? I always came home with a frozen butt.

Happy frosting!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Relaxation is Far From Now....

Remember in kindergarten when everyone was your best friend, when your biggest trouble was who took your cookie (well, maybe cookies weren't involved)........................

I miss those days...

I know that lately I have been rather depressive, but I really appreciate the support of everyone (: Alrighty then,
Trying to remain positive, I have resolved my friendship troubles. I finally came to realize that I had been right, that sometimes Gabby did take advantage, Carolina is being nicer to me though, so I guess things are alot better. Plus, I have one really good friend, Kellen. I don't know if she considers us close or not, but she has been one of the best-friends I have had. I have been terrible to her, yet, she has been with me through just about everything. She is an amazing friend, but shhhhhhhh.....don't tell her.

(for some reason i felt compelled to put this song as it is the only thing I have been listening to)

Aside from my mellow-dramatic life next week is the most hated , strongly disliked week of all. Midterms. I have to learn over 50 vocabulary works and 2 chapters of spanish, by tuesday. I know that actually isn't that much to what I have to know by wednesday, thursday, and friday. But it is just the whole thought that one test is a whole marking period grade. Pressure and i do not cope very well together. But, I think I can (hopefully) get through this.
I guess that wraps up this week. Other than this I have been given an extension of until next friday for my pinata. (yay for me) I probably should just finish it this weekend so that i don't have to worry about that during midterms, well see how that goes.
I'm off to take a shower and go to play practice, in featured chorus on cinderella, or as the poster in my school says, Cindereli the misspelling took away from the fancy font, didn't it?

Happy Saturday,


P.S. is it wrong to have something for the lead singer who sort of creeps me out at the same time?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What Is It About Nail Polish That Makes You Feel So....


I just had too much fun yesterday painting my nails yesterday, even though I ended up messing it up :D. But that is the fun of it right?

To all those who have taken an interest in the picture above, I will tell you exactly what this is. It is my new spanish project. I am going to be making a donkey. Or as the spanish children would say, "el burro." All that I have so far is the body, but pretty soon my donkey will come around. (Hopefully)
As for Chris, he did not get in trouble at all for destroying my other piñata. Although I did happen to find out how the remains were shredded apparently him and a couple of other of his classmates were throwing the piñata around during third period and as they say all's well bad that ends well bad. Though on the upside the spanish teacher did take an awful lot of pity on me so I think I can be gaurantee a A+ D.
But on the upper up of the up side, my friendship troubles have brewed over in a way. I mean I came to figure out that my superstitions of Gabby taking advantage of me were true, but another one of my close friends, Carolina has come around. she told me that she feels Gabby takes advantage of her too. Isn't it such fun to be a girl....................
A random fact about my project would be:
  • did you know that to make that square contraption I had to use twisty balloons?
Those balloons are so much fun, I think I want to become a clown when I grow up (not really this is more for emphasis), but I had a lot of extra ballons and made a dog and, after several failed attempts, a ballon flower.

I really don't know why this is here, but it is a nice ring (:

I remember the good old days of drake and josh. I used to love singing along to this.

Sorry for the jumbled post. I really should have had my homework done by now........

A very lazy,


Thursday, January 13, 2011

No Wonder Everybody Hates Chris...

He's a real jerk...........

Yes, in fact I do have a right to say this. Well, I guess that me sitting here grumbling to you is not going to make you understand why it is that I am mad so here we go.......
We have been making piñatas in spanish class for about three weeks now. It is worth a test grade so i have been working extremely hard because if i get at least an A on this i will get a B in spanish for the marking period. My piñata was coming out pretty great and I had finally come to the hard surface my teacher was telling me about ( apparently the harder the better?). My piñata was too big to put in my locker so i had to carry it around, then...........I forgot it in science.......
I came back to find out my piñata had been destroyed by some kid named chris and all I saw were the shredded remains on the floor. Well, there goes my A. To any of you people thinking, "Well it is your fault you left it in science," you know what i say to that. I say "Your just grumpy because you have to make a poo." (you better flush that.......) The only difference with this Chris was he was white.

I guess another thing that could put me in a bad mood would be two girls by the name of Carolina and Gabby. My friends, my home-dogs, my girls, my bffs, my problems. I guess it is just that recently we have been drifting apart. I never really noticed how much they both took advantage of me. On my last blog i have put what i felt were requirements a friend should have as listed below:
  • someone who is far from perfect
  • someone i can laugh with
  • someone who isn't a fair weathered friend
  • someone i can trust
The funny thing would be is that now I really don't care about half these things in fact some of my views have totally changed. In a friend currently I would want:
  • Someone worth the trust
Seems pretty simple but I guess it can be hard to find. It's just the fact that most of my friends tend to take advantage of me and when I am upset leave me to fend for myself. I have recently become good friends with two girls in my class named Gianna and Katherine. They are nicer to me than some of my closest friends right now. But I guess sitting here complaining probably won't do much.

I swear this song gets me through just about anything, even if it's a little old (:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

See You Around Joe

Another year another convocation......

So my school takes part in these convocations in which you show up they teach you about some specialty you are to expert in, remind you that soon enough your going to die, and then you do some activity where you work together with students from other schools.

This year my expertise was:
yup you guessed it, water.

Basically a guy named Joe told us that by 2015 we are supposed to have some major water shortage and that we will have to start shipping our water out to other countries as predicted by the map below.
if you cannot see this and feel that you should click here
Well then, I guess this further improves my theory of moving to canada when i grow up.

what is there not to love about this place! (though i doubt it looks like this)

I originally was going to move to Pennsylvania, but with the economy and all Canada is cool too. Though I am not to sure if I believe a guy who told me that if I needed to I could drink my own pee if it was filtered. By reinforcing the whole were all going to die we were also told that if we pee not to flush our toilets, hence if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down, but I really am not going to do that considering I am not a fan of being grounded by my mother. Joe brought out my inner hipster, which was actually kind of fun (: so thanks Joe.
The most fun of the whole convocation is the bus ride home, though. I mean that is where the real action is, right? I know i had fun on the school bus, one of my friends got the nook and was showing me this book that she was interested in. It was some fantasy thing, it really wasn't my usual style, I usually am a sucker for real life scenario, but it was okay I guess. It was about some bomb that went off in a town that gave people special powers. I didn't get it at all but all I said was, "Oh yeah this is really cool," and smiled. Maybe she won't bring it up again.
By now I am pretty sure that you have heard of Ted Williams, but if you haven't check out the video below:

I was really shocked, surprised, inspired?, flabbergasted that he had a voice like that, to be honest if i saw him on the highway i probably would have run away from him. Actually I still would now considering that he was in questioning due to a hotel fight with his daughter and his past history of drugs in alcohol.

A now quite scared,


P.S. thank you to those who actually read all of this (: you win a free internet hug ( a five cent value!)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ode To Joy.......

Patrick the only starfish i know who eats pie (:
Guess who just found out they are failing gym..................(I'll give you a hint, it isn't you)
Apparently I am talking too much in gym and not playing enough. Even though I am one of the only people who actually play gym in my grade. A lot of the girls who "play gym" really go sit on the bleachers the whole gym class and talk, but are they failing, of course not.
Along from that my obsession over Pretty Little Liars has started to fade away. The books =♥, however the tv series=? As in why is this different from the book? But i still love it Lucy Hale is pretty killer. Oh no i bored you again........................................
Anyways the reason for all of this talk is because of a song i heard that i really like off of there. I usually don't like orchestra type of stuff, but this is pretty good.
Tell me what you think

Oh did I ever mention my results of the play. Turns out i got into the featured chorus. I know, what your thinking, "oh but natalie you really wanted the stepsister role, how could they let you down ):" (that is not at all what I was thinking). Turns out that I am not old enough to play that role. To be honest I really do not care because the girl who got the role is a great singer and will do pretty good in the songs she has to sing. Instead I am in something called the "featured chorus" which is just another fancy way of saying a small group that sings on the side of the stage. My friends are in that so I am pretty darn happy about that (: Well i guess i should probably go now I have a killer science test tomorrow along with social studies and a reading quiz. I swear these teachers love to torture me.

Off to pull an all nighter (well fall asleep in bed at 10:00),


Saturday, January 1, 2011

9 Hours And Counting

Now that's a way to celebrate................................

Happy New Years to everyone (: it seems like this year has actually gone by pretty fast. From the airport body scanners to some dude deciding he would try to bomb a truck in New York. It actually surprises me, just because somethings in this year will probably never happen again.
This years new year was different. Well by that I mean that this year I actually had people who stayed up with me. Instead of the usual nightshift at my house i went over to my friend Gabby's she thought it might be boring since it was just two people, (oh so she thinks I'm fun) but we ended up having a pretty good time. At 12:oo a.m. we went out into the street and threw those poppy thingys that make the loud sounds when they hit the ground. I can't think of it right now but oh well.
right they are called pop-its

I had a pretty darn good new years this year and to top it all off i decided to make a list of things i hope i can get done within the next year:
  1. Care Less About What People Think About Me: I guess this is a constant struggle that all people face, but sometimes it really hits me when I think that someone may think bad of me. I guess when I get older I really don't care, but I wish I could care more right now.
  2. Do Better In Algebra: I have no idea when i will use any of this junk in real life, but right now with a current C i am not doing so well and just barely getting by.
  3. Becoming More Focussed In Everything I Do: From blogging, to Spanish, to cleaning my room I am never really focussed on doing what needs to be done so i hope that maybe I can become a bit more focussed. (Wait what was I talking about...............?)
  4. Not Allow People To Push Me Around: To stand up for what I believe in even if others think that is stupid. (This goes to you judge-mental)
  5. Finally, to have a healthy happy year and to do my best in everything I do.
I guess making goals for the year actually does make things happen so let me see if I can keep these. Hopefully. Oh and for Christmas things went pretty smoothly. I got a lotion set, a stuffed animal (my mother seems to think that I like them), a pillow pet, and...............a laptop!
I know to some it is not a big deal (so much for not caring what other people think), but to me it is considering that I am in high school and just got one.

Just a Random Question:

Anyone else obsessed with Pretty Little Liars?

My Addiction Is Unhealthy

They just made a new episode and I cannot wait to see it. I really like the book series better, but the show is pretty good too. It is quite different from the Book Series. If you are wondering who A is then scroll on!

Okay to all of you who wish to not know who A is please do not read this for it will definitely ruin the series. However to those who dare to find out read on!

Okay so A is at first Mona, but them becomes Ali herself. How is this possible? Isn't Ali dead? How did Mona know those secrets? Well Mona got a hold of Ali's diary (I don't know how, but my personal preference is that it was in the things from Ali's room that were being thrown out. Anyways once Mona got this she knew the secrets and was A. However, when Mona died trying to kill Spencer Ali became A. Ali had a twin sister Courtney who was mental and sent away to an institution, but Courtney came back and switched places with Ali making Ali go to the institution. When Ali came back she strangled Courtney and put her in a hole she dug. People did not know about Courtney so they thought she was Ali. That is what happened.

Well I guess I should sign off because you might just be bored to death right now. Until next time!

~A Feeble and Excited, Natalie