I mean even the name is so ugh-ish............
So Presidents weekend was not what I had expected it to be in a way, it was far more dull and interesting than I thought it would be. Gabby's sleepover was different than I had made it to be out. It was a friday night with me, Gabby, Kellen, and Carolina. I had thought that it would be a bit awkward considering that me and kellen really do not talk that much, not as in "friendship issues" don't talk, but just because we really do not have anything to say. Me, Carolina, and Gabby really don't know what to make of Kellen anymore. She is a friend that is just, there? If that even makes sense, but I guess everyone has thier clique problems. (oh no another rant by natalie.
You know what, I honestly do not blame you for not wanting to hear about this, if I were you i wouldn't. I made this scrolly box thing for all of you who are like, look at this box I can just skip this part!
Alrighty then. I guess this is a time as best as any for my ridiculous rants:
I guess in a way so to say, Gabby is our supposed "leader" which is mainly why I feel as if she takes advantage of me. Basically Gabby is perfect. By perfect I mean that you really do not have a chance against her. When it comes to sports, she is flawless, academics, our school is a joke to her, people skills? Everyone thinks she is a sweet girl. So by appearances she is basically what everyone says, perfect. Though she tells me she hates it when people say that. I mean I don't blame her, but at the same time I don't understand why she would say this when if you tell her she is wrong she makes a bit deal out of it of how she is right and what-not. Eventually, I have just learned to agree with her and say, "Sorry, I forgot about that," Then there is Carolina, this girl is top of the line study-geek (in a stereotypical sort of wayeven though i hate stereotypes but needless to say this girl studies, a lot. Though her habits of studying do not help her with her people skills at all. Sometimes she is awkward, but at other times she is just plain rude, especially to me. She went to visit her cousins and instead of coming back with the places she saw this is what she told me when she came back, "Hey Natalie, I showed my cousins a picture of you, they said that if you lost weight you would be pretty," geez thanks Carolina, but no indeed it gets even better, "But Natalie guess what, they said that compared to you I was pretty!" I remember my initial reaction to that was to punch her in the gut, but instead I just laughed it off. I mean obviously it bothers me, who would it not bother? But, I have learned that in the end it doesn't really matter what other people think of you. After Carolina comes Kellen. I have known Kellen since third grade. You would think that after all this time we would be best-friends, right? Well we are, sort of. I mean people consider us best-friends and what-not, but to be honest I don't think we are. Kellen is actually closer to a girl named Gianna, they basically joke around all day and then when Gianna is talking to her best-friend Katherine Kellen comes back to me. Confusing you? Me too. Then after all of this there is me. I guess you can say I am the outsider of my own group, I basically really do not know how to relate with my friends. I guess maybe that is just my own awkward self though? ~To all of you people who actually read this rant or skimmed through it, you officially get a cookie :)
I guess in a way so to say, Gabby is our supposed "leader" which is mainly why I feel as if she takes advantage of me. Basically Gabby is perfect. By perfect I mean that you really do not have a chance against her. When it comes to sports, she is flawless, academics, our school is a joke to her, people skills? Everyone thinks she is a sweet girl. So by appearances she is basically what everyone says, perfect. Though she tells me she hates it when people say that. I mean I don't blame her, but at the same time I don't understand why she would say this when if you tell her she is wrong she makes a bit deal out of it of how she is right and what-not. Eventually, I have just learned to agree with her and say, "Sorry, I forgot about that," Then there is Carolina, this girl is top of the line study-geek (in a stereotypical sort of way
But just as usual, the bad news comes with good news. The sleepover was pretty much fun. Kellen was really nice to everyone at Gabby's. It was weird, in a nice way. Usually I am just expecting Kellen to talk to us for all of five seconds, but it was really nice. She was really funny too, I kind of miss that, but I really have no impact on the universe so I guess that isn't my place to judge. We even made these nifty bracelets (:

(even though it just looks bad they came out nice)
I need a camera.........
On another note, blogspot has been annoying me very much these past few days as I was trying to become all tech-savy and what-not. Basically that post about inspiration I was trying to make onto another tab on blogspot, so I would look all cool-like, but that really just turned out horrible. I became quite flustered by that and finally took the post of and had to change the whole "look" of my blog to forget about it. In other words, I was quite frazzled.
Though I did continue on with the idea of that whole journal. It looks absolutely horrendous right now, but will soon be fixed. You can check that out (if you are super bored :). It is basically a collection of everything from, poems, to writings, to pictures, just a big scramble of things.
After Gabby's sleepover we went to play practice. It was interesting enough. For anyone on the face of the earth who has never seen me dance, that is a good thing, because quite frankly I cannot dance to save my life. I am really bad. So bad that I even put that on the form they gave us at the initial audition (which can be a reason for no main roles). However, even though I wrote that down, the directors still managed to put me in a dance number that goes on for about ten minutes. I was so bad that our dance instructor-person-director-lady says that I need dancing boot camp. I can just imagine it now.
Though the real highlight of my weekend was after we got out of play practice. We were headed back to Gabby's house, because I left my things there, to figure out that Gabby's cat Timon had escaped, at leas that is what her mom told us. After many hours of searching we did end up finding him, in their basement. That little stinker, but it was really worth it though. My favorite part was walking around town shaking a cat treat bag while making mouse noises. Ahh, good times. Other than watching "Friends" my whole weekend it did turn out to be really fun, for me at least.
Okay I have kept you here hostage long enough,
Thats so cool about searching for the cat. I love those kind of adventures. I'm glad he was found.
Friendships can be fickle. There always has to be a control freak in the group, even though they say they aren't and when they ask you..you usually say.."Oh..no..not you.." When all along you want to scream ITS YOU.
Hope blogspot is nice of you. Wow about the scroll box. You'll have to tell me or show me where to go to learn that.
I love the beads!! Its OK to rant about friends. You just have to..sometimes.
Thanks for the note. I might have went off the deep end with Sal and Puck..but he's one of those friends who seldom thinks before he speaks.
I so love the bracelets. I hate friends who do that especially when they mention "weight"..argh..
Hope you hare having a great week. I love the pic you used in this post.
I always love cat stories. You find out little things about each other on adventures like that. Sometimes, you are more unified that way when you have a purpose in mind. Maybe thats why I like Pretty Little Liars so much. The mystery seems to keep the girls together. & they can spend a ton on their wardrobe too for the show. Although, I just think of their friendships mostly when I watch the show..and Caleb.
I loved the update. Sounds like you know a lot about your friends. I bet they all count on you.
I have a feeling you know these friends so well. Yet, there is this feeling of wanting to know them better. Although, we put it with so much from friends.
Great bracelet!
I can understand your frustration. I hope things go smooth this week for you and your friends.
Thanks for the note. I hope you have a good weekend. Looks like more snow here. It was really bad yesterday..a blizzard out of no where.
Anyway, I don't know why it bothers me, but I'm hoping no one gets too upset with me..about what happens next in the story.
So glad the cat was in the basement. Thanks for the comment about Rae & Nev, too. Have a sweet weekend.
I thought you posted something. Hope you are having a good weekend.
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