So lately I have a bit of a radio head, for the past couple days that is all I have been doing, locking myself in my room and just listening to music, quite frankly if i hear another song I think I am going to burst.
Oh darn it... but that is okay, music is my friend (:
It was funny though, what got me to listen to the whole song was not really the song itself, but the comment below the song

My goodness there is alot of death going on here......
I just really found that comment sweet, you do seem to appreaciate things once they are gone, that is actually an excuse I use when I don't clean my room:
Mom "Natalie this room is a mess, everything I buy you ends up on the floor!"
Me "That is because mom, you really don't come to appreciate something until you don't have it anymore."
Mom "..."
It makes me feel accomplished out smarting older people, mostly because they are well, old. They are supposed to be the smart ones. Though I never do make fun of them, which is why I was offended by a comment my teacher made to me today. The basic scenario is this:
I was just sitting there in algebra going on another one of my rants, (this rant about how the U.S. government is out to get us all, yes I really did say that) when my teacher came over to check the answer to some of the problems I was doing. Getting one of the problems wrong, she was going to help me correct it. (In my rant I was up to the point of how the U.S government has the right to kill you if "necessary") My teacher walked away before helping me correct it. While she was gone my partner, Katherine, whispers to me, "I think she works for the government" Me in shock said, "Oh my gosh," Katherine, thinking I am kidding starts to laugh, then me laughing at her laugh, well laugh. Within this moment our teacher comes back and says, "don't make fun of me while I am gone." Me in shock and fear (because she can indirectly kill me if necessary) just sit there and do not say anything." This is a shout out to my algebra teacher, basically saying I was not making fun of you.
But other than today not much else going on, which is mainly the reason for no posting. Just a quick question, because you seem to answer my questions and situations really well. Should I tell my teacher about my whole rant thing? Or just not bring it up? Anyways thanks for everything :D
What a day in algebra. Yeah, that song gets to me too from Snow Patrol.
This was good. You update.
I liked your conversation with your Mom.
I love the pic you found about the movie. The ups and down of your life. I like your honesty.
I have wondered this about our gov. too. Great update!
I wouldn't tell your teacher..but keep ranting.
You are good at storytelling. You really are.
Hope the play is going great. Miss you.
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