I guess you can say that my summer hasn't exactly been going as planned but that is all about to change, starting now, er, tomorrow *procrastination alert* haha, but today wasn't all that bad.

It's always the simplest games that seem to attract the most attention. Speaking of attracting attention, you have to hear someone amazing: My sister has been touring Europe for the past month ever since July fourth and ever since she left my younger sister has been acting different towards me, okay let's imagine this. You have just woke up on Christmas morning and your mom finally got you that new priceless gold charm bracelet. You open the box slowly anticipating the crincgling of the wrapping, the speck of gold, the captivation, and instead open up to this
It's nice you suppose, but what happened? You have been waiting for this moment for months already planning the look on your face when you open the package and you have come to, well. . .this. You take a second look at the bracelet.
"It was your grandmother's," your mother states. You open your eyes and now you see something better than you thought, and think, hey what the heck? Well there you have it, the relationship me and my younger sister have now established. So tonight consisted of highly addicting games such as Feed The King:
Is there need to say anymore? It's funny I mean I have seen a few of her videos before but cella got me back into her, so thanks cella, lols. I guess she got Jenna and I got Christina :), well I still haven't gotten Kellen a birthday gift and her party is on Thursday! I really have to get to the mall.
It feels like a sona in my room. . .
A very hot,
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