Oh believe me I am. Happy Memorial Day!
So guess what? I finally made the switch, that's right after all this time I decided to update to bloggers "new" format of blogging and what not and so far, I just about hate everything about it. It works slower on my laptop now and I guess I miss the semi-noob struggle of putting the strikethrough in yourself, or getting the picture from all the way at the top of the post down to the bottom. Not that I don't like the easieness that comes with the whole "new" way of posting, but next post. I think I'll switch back, not that there will really be a difference in what I post, oh wells!
I have a school dance on thursday and for the first time I am actually anxious, I know, doesn't make much sense right? Well its because I ordered a dress of of target and I am not sure if it will ship on time. If anyone has ever ordered off of target please let me know I think this qualifies as begging I just really want to ensure that my dress gets here on time? What does it look like you may ask? So why are you so hung up about it anyways? Well reason being I just about never wear any fancy clothes (let alone a dress), and i like the dress I picked out.
I like the fact that it is a little plain, but something I would definitely wear, excluding the high heels and severed head of course. I just really hope it gets here on thursday, so I can go to the dance. I know right, how dumb does your school have to be to have a dance on thursday and then school the next day? Was Friday really that unavailable.
Speaking of Friday, on Friday I went to see all the pretty girls in their pretty prom dresses:
I hid their faces for obvious reasons, this isn't my photo to ensure their privacy and safety. I love these dresses though (:
Wish me luck today. I have a very hot memorial day parade that I am forced to attend. I starts at 8:30 so I have less than thirty minutes to till count down. I just hope it won't be as bad as last parade where I got yelled at for not bringing the American flag that I had apparently known about all this time. (that's just how evil I am, because I planned on getting yelled at you see it was all part of my evil plot to rule the world!) Well a bit of an exaggeration, but that is exactly how our band director made it seems, a 35ish aged man with apparently a very short temper (he's actually short too, get it :)
I remember one post where I said that playing in the snow just gave me a frozen butt. Yeah well I wish it didn't thaw out yet because today is going to be hot. But I guess if I have fun that is all that counts, right? (if I have fun that is).
Maybe this new blogger format isn't so bad, well at least for now. I'm looking up to the bright side of things, maybe that will help my dress get here faster, or not, but anywhoo. Happy Memorial Day, have fun doing whatever. Going out with the family, going to the beach, sitting at home and watching movies until your eyes are so dry it feels weird to blink (I mean not that that was my plan on how to spend today psh, *cough cough). Well I still have to buy shoes for my dress so if it doesn't come I could always wear the shoes.
A very hopeful,