Sunday, March 20, 2011

I've been awoken

"I think its dead."
"No it isn't!"
"Fine then smart one how can we tell?"
"I say we poke it, maybe it will come back into consciousness"
"Okay, but you do it"
"Okay" *poke, poke, poke*
"Ow! Wait what's going on?"
"Oh look its alive!"

I feels as if I had died has it? Has it really been that long? 3 weeks total to be exact. Yes, I have been counting (: I just needed a bit of a break, I guess a vacation, the funny thing is that I have actually been a bit sad without blogger, you guys are like friends, just virtually. I have so much to catch up on, with all the writing and what-not, especially those who write everyday. So get ready for a comment spam :D.
So what has been happening while I was gone? Quite a lot actually, well alot of school drama. Just about officially now, the rest of the school hates us. Okay I guess a bit of an explanation will be needed to justify this...........
I am in an advanced class (I know, me! It is quite a shocker to myself to be honest) and it is basically that every class you are in is advanced periods 1-8 so I have every class with the same people every day. In the class that I am in there are three girls who, mainly, no one gets along with, they are really manipulative, I guess you could say. As far as names go, ellis, chase, and Angelina. They basically bully us. They are super nice when you are around, however, once you leave, they talk about you and the stuff they say isn't exactly nice. Things like calling us geeks, nerds, losers, and stupid. This is rather ironic when they cheat on about every test. So we decided to tell on them (emphasis on geeks). The results, however, were pretty horrific.
Now all the teachers, janitors, students, principal, heck even the lady across the street who runs the deli, knows us as the "cheating class" all because of these three girls. But, no lets get to the best part! The girls who are doing the cheating and bullying are not even being punished. Rather sad isn't it, that justice is never truly served?
Then along with all this I have my own friend troubles, Gabby, as usual confusion, do I really have to explain that? Our whole class is having an all out war, this is just ridiculous, I feel like I have been placed in the middle of a degrassi episode, but what can I do?

A very confused and baffled,



ellie said...

Hahahaa..middle of a Degrassi episode. But I know how it is. The ones who should be punished..never get it. Its not fair. know Holly J on possibly dying..or its just diabetes. And Eli might kill Clare if...

I like your update. Hope the play is going OK. What will you ever do with Gabby??

Anonymous said...

Such a great update. Sorry about the drama, but I can so relate. Hope you have a good week. Be careful out there.

Anonymous said...

Hey, good to see a new update. I hope you are doing OK. What drama at school.

molly said...

Its not easy being around cheaters. The madness at school. & you're still sane! Stay sweet.

hollyoaks fan fic said...

I love how you started this post. Wishing you a way to be closer to your real friends.

so jade said...

School can be so cruel. I have a feeling you know the REAL MEAN GIRLS.

Holly said...

missing your updates.