Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Here's To. . .

      Life? I feel like everything is just so hectic lately, not even the fact that i have so much that needs to be done in all of one month, but more of the fact that everyone is just pushing me to do everything so quickly. I guess it's what I get for being so happy school was out.
      So  today unlike my usual attics of stalking all my internet friends, using youtube, and bloggity-blogging I decided to change things up and spend my day playing sims and using adobe photoshop (: Just a tiny showcase of what has now been made :
      See that girl right there? That's my best friend (: I love her to death even if sometimes she nearly makes me want to kill her haha. 
     So I have decided to crack open my mythology book and take a look into what my future classes will consist of:
A book on Mythology must draw from widely different sources. Twelve hundred years separate the first writers through whom the myths have come down to us from the last, and there are stories as unlike each other as "Cinderella" and "King Lear." To bring them all together in one volume is really somewhat comparable to doing the same for the stories of English literature from Chaucer to the balads, through Shakespeare and Marlowe and Swift and Defoe and Dryden and Pope and so on, ending with, say, Tennyson and Browning, or even, to make the comparison truer, Kipling and Galsworthy. The English collection would be bigger, but it would not contain more dissimilar material. In point of the fact, Chaucer is more like Galsworthy and the ballads like Kipling than Homer is like Lucian or Aeschylus like Ovid.

     So I guess Greek Mythology for Dummies will do the trick, because quite frankly I can not understand a word in that and it is only the first paragraph. I guess in a way I am pretty scared about going into high-school. It has nothing to do with social reasons (because in my town things are small and I am going to be in the same building, but the fact that next year I am expected to be so much is expected of me, especially since next year everything is starting to count, well I am going to try to get through this book, wish me luck!
